Tuesday, July 13, 2010

How to Play Well With Others

When we describe someone as "egocentric," we are really saying that person is the center of his or her own universe. But when you think about it, aren't we all the center of our own universes? Don't we see things from our own perspectives? No matter what happens, don't we always think it's about us? Aren't we focused on our own needs and desires most of the time? Of course, we are, because we are human. But, if that's true, doesn't it stand to reason that other people see things from their own perspectives, think everything is about them, and focus on their own needs and desires, just as we do?

Yet, it seems to be extremely difficult to get along with people much of the time. We just don't get another person's perspective at all. Many people don't even realize there is a perspective other than their own. Here's a thought: What if, instead of always concentrating on our own needs, we could try to understand someone else's needs? Might we not have better relationships? The answer is YES.

Interpersonal skills boil down to a single question: What does this person need from me at this moment? If you can answer that question and give each person what he or she needs, however briefly, you can get along with anyone.

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