Friday, April 16, 2010

Rx: Get your body moving!

Sometimes, the most important lessons are right under your nose. I am reading a book called SPARK by John J. Ratey, MD with Eric Hagerman at the request of my client. According to Dr. Ratey, "the point of exercise is to build and condition the brain."

There are those who would add several other points. One of them is the physician I saw today about my back. Frankly, I was apprehensive. This was a neurosurgeon, and things are pretty messy back there. In fact, the last doctor I saw about the problem said, "If a surgeon took one look at this MRI he'd have you in the operating room in minutes." Very scary. Also, not so.

This surgeon did look at my MRI and spent considerable time explaining what was going on in my spine. It wasn't a pretty picture. His prescription? One hour of exercise a day. "You're going to have to work at this," he said. I was already convinced.

I wonder if he knows that I will building and conditioning my brain while I'm staving off back surgery.

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