Saturday, June 5, 2010

Savoring Success

After six months of working toward this moment, a carton of 85 copies of Words To Live By has finally arrived. Six months to write, produce, and publish a book, albeit a little book, should be source of satisfaction and pride. When I opened that box, I should been incredibly happy. My friend, Felicia was so excited when she received her newly published books, she called her family and all her friends to announce their arrival. I, on the other hand, was pretty low key. I called my sister, who was also my editor, and e-mailed my daughters.

What's wrong with this picture? I have been pondering my lack excitement for several days. I love my new book. It's beautiful, it's interesting, it was fun to write, and the few people who have read it said they liked it very much. It's not my first book, but it is my most personal. It's a tight little memoir about my career as a writer. I'm told it is inspirational, although that was not my original intention.

I had forgotten the moment of letdown that comes when I finish working on a book. For me, the joy is in the writing, not in having written. I don't think that's typical. Many writers are thrilled to be finished with all that work. I always feel a sense of loss when the creative part of the process is over. I go into a funk, which is part of my transition process before I begin something new.

It helps me to be reminded of what is happening; but now it's time to begin the next phase of the process, which is serious marketing. Before I begin, though, I plan to take today to bask in my accomplishment.


Anonymous said...

You just have to bask in this wonderful accomplishmnet!!! This book is the wonderful story of your great personal achievements. It is showing us "mature" men and women what can be accomplshed in one lifetime and furthermore that we are not done yet. We still have a lot to do and accomplish. You have shown the world that the "golden years" do not mean only to sit on your laurels or on the beach.
Mazal Tov.

Unknown said...

You may be entitled to a small degree of "letdown," but you are far more entitled to a feeling of self-satisfaction and pride for having shared your amazing 40-year journey with us, your readers. Feel free to give yourself several pats on the back because you deserve it!