Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A Year of Learning Life's Lessons

This has been a year of "lessons"—some revelatory, some repetitions of those I had learned and forgotten. I heard myself say "aha" so many times it became a private joke. I can't remember a year when I was so conscious of what matters and what is a waste of the space it was taking up in my brain. Permit me to share a few of my epiphanies with you.
  1. Don't let a little tear in the fabric of your family become a huge rip. Do whatever you can to mend it while you can.
  2. They say you can choose your friends but not your family. Good friends are family—the family you create by choice.
  3. Moods are energy, and energy is contagious. If you don't believe it, see what happens when you smile and say something pleasant to someone who is crabby or rude.
  4. Feeling OK is not the same as being healthy. Health is a gift, but you can do a lot to make it the gift that keeps on giving. Don't take it granted; life can throw you a curve when you least expect it.
  5. Work is not labor when you are enriched by doing it. It is not about money or what others expect of you. Doing what you love and loving what you do is like hitting the jackpot every day.


Unknown said...

Very eloquently spoken!

Unknown said...

Very eloquently spoken

Unknown said...

It must be true what 'they' say - with age comes wisdom. You are both wise and eloquent. These are lessons worth remembering.

Russ Henneberry said...

Wow! Thanks for sharing that -- those are some very powerful thoughts and lessons to learn.

Bobbi Linkemer said...

I'm so delighted that I struck an end-of-year chord. These lessons seemed appropriate on the eve of the experience that followed (most recent blog post). Thanks for letting me know your responses.