Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Secret Nobody Keeps

As my little book nears the finish line, I am reminded how many lessons learned and words to live by are tucked into just about every chapter. In forty years, one learns a lot, sometimes without realizing it, sometimes with full awareness of the lesson. Here's one I have learned repeatedly in my life—first from my mother, who just spelled it out; second, from observing the actions of friends and acquaintances; and, finally, from my experience in the business world.
  • Never, never lie. To anyone. If you do, the person you lie to, and anyone that person tells (and she will tell everyone in town) will never believe another word you say. Trust is fragile. It takes forever to build it and mere seconds to destroy it.
A few corollaries:
  • It's a small world and an even smaller business world.
  • Anything you say on line is out there forever, and anyone can access it.
  • Whatever your reason, it's not good enough.

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